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 can you really have a pve/pvp team

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Age : 48
Location : northants, england

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PostSubject: can you really have a pve/pvp team   can you really have a pve/pvp team Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 6:42 pm

is it really possible to have a balanced pve and pvp team. or do you have to have merc rooms to swap in mercs for your pvp.

to be fair can you really play pve with a pvp team or is it just too hard solo so you have to team up with people
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PostSubject: Re: can you really have a pve/pvp team   can you really have a pve/pvp team Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 7:02 pm

i use my party for everything... it works pretty well, i am not underpowered in any area's except i am a little weaker attacking flying - though there arent enough of them to really cause me too much stress.
i run 5 melee, 2 ranged, 2 magic, soon to be 3 ranged and 1 magic... i cant part with my monk.
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PostSubject: Re: can you really have a pve/pvp team   can you really have a pve/pvp team Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 10:01 pm

so you dont spend much time in gonzo level three then. there big flying meanys
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Seyonne **
Seyonne **

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PostSubject: Re: can you really have a pve/pvp team   can you really have a pve/pvp team Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 10:48 pm

lol, I've never been to 3rd floor... I can't kill the flying room in 2 yet. I got raped:(
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PostSubject: Re: can you really have a pve/pvp team   can you really have a pve/pvp team Icon_minitime

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