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 What lvl should I start to worry about Armor upgrades?

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2 posters
Seyonne **
Seyonne **

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What lvl should I start to worry about Armor upgrades? Empty
PostSubject: What lvl should I start to worry about Armor upgrades?   What lvl should I start to worry about Armor upgrades? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 7:28 pm

What lvl should ppl start to worry about +ing their gear beyound 1-2?
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Posts : 175
Join date : 2010-02-09
Age : 48
Location : northants, england

What lvl should I start to worry about Armor upgrades? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What lvl should I start to worry about Armor upgrades?   What lvl should I start to worry about Armor upgrades? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2010 7:47 pm

well this is as complex as it gets ive tried to explain this to many people.

the long and the short of it is. how much money do you have and what type of team do you want to run

make your choice early on def or att. money or no money. then really it all falls into palce.

if you go attack get the best weapons you can get. and kill them before they kill you.
if you go defence then get the best armour. noo rush to kill them as they cant kill me anyway so average weapons will be ok. money.

this is simple. compair -----time frame to spend...

whats the point of spending millions to have something to only use it for a few levels.

the best two tips i can give is dont bother with any thing above +4 on any level. this way you can flow through the armour/weapon sets at a good rate as your level increases using the boxes you find your self hence the low cost.

some people blat out the +10 but hey they are still wearing it 50 levels later as they cannot afford the next bit thats better.

this really comes into affect at divine level. this is the catch 22 situation. you cant get depraved as its crap to make wl to high etc etc. so you have to wait for nix.

but your wearing 105 armour thats not good enough to get you too 113 nix level. so you plus it up plus it up more. then your screwed as the item you need to upgrade for example is +4 divine you have to have +2 nix to get better damage/def etc etc the cost has gone from 100-150 mil a item standard nix to 400-600mil a item at +2.

wow where am i getitng that money from, and thats each bit.

i know the arguement that you get nix level damage and def at a lower level, but the result is the same break the +4 rule at your own peril can you really afford 400-600mil a piece at the next upgrade

tip two just cause you can upgrade should you. the answer is a straight no. you want to save money have wings and mounts blah blah then upgrade when you need to.

if you getitng your ass kicked then you need to upgrade. if not keep the money in the bank.. no one cares if your wearing +10 dk/orisis or +5 dragon. at the end of the day if you can get the job done then happy days

the more money in the bank the more you can make. look at the market know the prices you will make money
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