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Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-04-10
Age : 38
Location : Netherlands

Introducing Empty
PostSubject: Introducing   Introducing Icon_minitimeSat Apr 10, 2010 5:41 am

Well I thought it would be nice, since we hang around in the guild most of the time chatting a lot, to actually know who you are talking to. Therefor I am making this topic called introduction.
I'll start by introducing myself and hopefully many of you will follow since its fun! Razz

So my nickname is Chibi, my real name is Charlene. (f)
I was born on 29-06-1985 which makes me 24 almost 25 years old.
I live in the Netherlands and share an appartment with my boyfriend. We have been together for 2 years now.
My favorite color is indigo, I love dark blue colors cause they remind me of the night sky.
I have studied webdesign for 1 year, and than became a helpdesk employee for 1,5 year.
Atm I'm looking for a job again while I'm doing a Modern Business adminstration study at home.
My lucky number is 8. And I love MMORPG's and RPing over msn. I write short stories, and am working on a novel together with my best real life friend.
So far my Top 3 MMORPG's are
#1 Atlantica
#2 World of Warcraft
#3 Conquer online

Well that's all I can think about right now, I hope to find out a bit about my guildmates as well. And if ya wanna know anything, don't be shy and just ask.
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